Tag Archives: website

10 Reasons Why Web Projects Go Awry

wsadmin/ May 9, 2017/ Website

Building a website these days has become practically easy but it can be terrifying to achieve the desired goals of attractiveness, uniqueness and functionality necessary to reach your business goals, hold the audience spell bond and deliver the right experience to keep them interested in your brand. Poor execution and a lapse in the process leading up to building your

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Website or social media presence, which is best for business? Part 2

wsadmin/ May 8, 2017/ Small Business, Social Media, Website/ 0 comments

In the first part of this article, I highlighted the basics to understand the distinction between website and social media. Let’s break down the pros and cons of having a website and social media presence. Social media is a platform that helps you instantly aggregate many fans, friends, followers and influencers from a pool of potential customer base to support

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15 Fundamentals For A Successful Website

wsadmin/ March 1, 2017/ Website/ 0 comments

A website is an essential part of running a successful business; it’s more than ever a key decision when starting up. Any business that wants to capture its target customers must not only have a website but must do so with an impressive design to reach the market, gain acceptance and enjoy a good competitive edge. A well planned and

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